Awareness of sexist images and attitudes in the media dates from the late sixties and early seventies: from the beginnings of the current Women’s Movement - Embree (1970), White (1970), Courtney and Locheretz (1971), Nilsen (1971), Morgan (1970), Nightingale (1972 and 1977). Increased consciousness of women’s exploitation and subordination during the seventies, and particularly the contributions of feminism to this understanding, produced increasing interest in the portrayal of women in advertising, magazines, television, children’s books and romantic fiction - see Millum (1975), Tuchman, Daniels and Bennett (1978), Goffman (1979), Adams and Laurikietis (1980). The awarenss of sexism has now been popularised in the Guardian’s weekly Naked Ape column (clippings from national newspapers and magazines sent in by readers) and put to practical test with a political view by the Equal Opportunities Commission in its survey of sexism and advertising -EOC (1982).