This paper has two objectives: to contribute to a rethinking of care systems (Daatland, 1983) and, within this, to review the participation of men in informal care. The study that it is based upon is essentially exploratory and is based upon two resources: some familiarity with the literature on care, and access to a convenient and appropriate sample. There is a parallel here with the resources of the more usual kind of explorer. The literature and the sample correspond respectively to the map and the journey to be travelled. Looking at the present “map” depicting care, I sensed that it was still inadequate (see also: Henwood and Wicks, 1984; Evandrou et al., 1986). Too much emphasis seems to be placed upon categories of dependency and upon concepts such as “the carer”, “the dependant”, “state provision” and “need” (Parker, 1985). Relevant though they are, I knew of many care situations which were orientated to other concepts. I decided not to have my exploration directed by the content of this map.