THE recent authorities are in agreement about the functions of ceremonial in Fijian life and its inhibitory effect upon economic growth. The Burns Commission has a special paragraph headed `Extravagance', which reads:

706. Our attention has been drawn to the extravagance by persons of all races in the festivities and entertainment connected with marriage ceremonies. We have been told, especially, that many Indians and Fijians in comparatively poor circumstances, spend excessive amounts at the marriage of their daughters and incur debts in this connection which cripple them financially for the rest of their lives. We have referred above (paragraph 190) to the burden of Fijian ceremonial, and have ourselves seen examples of the waste involved. We would strongly urge that religious, educational and political leaders, should n i exert their nfluence to restrain such extravagance, and make their position plain by categorical denunciation, especially of excessive expenditure in connection with marriage ceremonies.