Struggle to develop the full use of his mental capacity and mastery of himself, sufficient to reach socialization within his society, characterizes the life task of a human individual. Mental health and ill health and, similarly, adequate and inadequate socialization, are present but vary in form and degree in the individuals of each society. Aspects may differ, but similarities and differences, referable both to the biological organism and to human socialization processes as they are involved in the development of personality, exist in individuals of each society. Culturally expressed characteristics will be transmitted to the young child as soon as he can respond to early socialization patterns. Expressions of these become phenomena of the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious structure of the human psyche. They are absorbed both with and without awareness by each person from his specific culture. For the most part, awareness of the characteristic patterns occurs only when they are called to the person’s attention by culture differences that he observes.