The result, under the rubric of feeding people versus saving nature, is in fact favoring the wealthy over the poor. We may decide to leave existing air pollution standards in place because it is expensive for industry to install new scrubbers. All money budgeted for the National Endowment for the Humanities, and almost all that budgeted for the National Science Foundation. The act of feeding people always seems humane, but, when the we face up to what is really going on, feeding people without attention to the larger social results could mean they are feeding a kind of cancer. Consider human population growth. Not only have the numbers of persons grown, but also their expectations have grown so that people must superimpose one exploding curve on top of another. Natural values are endangered at every scale: global, regional, and local; charismatic mega fauna down to mollusks and beetles. Human rights must include, if anything at all, the right to subsistence.