I AM A FEMINIST and i'm not scared to say it. i'm not scared of what the word means. I'M NOT SCARED OF HOW YOU'LL TAKE IT. and if you're intimidated, then please Don't blame your FEAR on me. Don't let it close you off from reality, Cuz in realty … shit happens…. I AM A FEMINIST, and it doesn't mean i hate all men…. Although i may be concerned about a few of them … it doesn't mean i think the whole world should be governed only by women, though on a second thought, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad option…. TWIST my words ‘til NOTHING'S WHAT I REALLY SAID, You can make it sound absurd, make it all LOSE SENSE, it still doesn't mean a thing, since in the end I KNOW WHERE I STAND, sometimes i wonder if you have a clue of where you do … i listen to people saying that the feminist mOveMeNt is over, so baby, baby, baby, why don't you take that chip off your shoulder, i guess MY STANDING HERE is proof that it's not, there's thousands others who would agree, thing is, they do it SILENTLY … and Statistics will say a certain number of women are raped by men, I WANT TO KNOW about the ones who didn't announce it to the government, CALLME CRAZYCRAZYCRAzY, call me anything you like, Cuz i'm screaming TRUTHS out in the streets, and i didn't think you'd like it. i knew you wouldn't like it. I AM A FEMINIST, and i claim the word proudly, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm a lesbian, but then again, maybe i am. and maybe my sexual preference is really NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS I said it's none of your business, but YOU STILL DONT GET IT maybe I'm living in a world full of ISMS, but I'm not singing to you, cuz i've got nothing better to do. and maybe if you still don't understand the word then for god's sake open up a book and LOOK IT UR it's all about respect, such a simple thing really, too bad that in 1997, so many of us still don't get it. it doesn't mean that i'm ugly, or that i'll die lonely, or that I have to be ANGRY all the time, in fact, it doesn't mean much of what you think. I AM A FEMINIST, and I claim the world proudly, it doesn't mean i hate all men, it doesn't mean i want them dead, it does-n't mean I have to have hairy armpits or hairy legs, or that I have to shave my head, it doesn't mean that I'm bitter cuz I can't get laid, cuz honey I can (sorry mom!) I AM A FEMINIST, and i'm not scared to say it, i'm not scared of what the word means, i'm not scared of how you'll take it, and if you're intimidated, then please don't blame your FEAR on me. i have no use for it. I simply won't have it.