During the XVIIIth Pediatric Work Physiology (PWP) Conference held in Denmark, in September 1995, the organizer of the next PWP Conference, Professor Neil Armstrong invited HK to give the opening lecture at the XIXth PWP Conference, in the United Kingdom, in September 1997. HK was, of course, very honoured by Neil Armstrong’s invitation to present the Rutenfranz Memorial Lecture, but after accepting, he was then posed a second question: What will be the title of the lecture, so that it can be announced at the end of the XVIIIth PWP Conference. HK came up with the idea of a meta-analysis, of PWP Conferences since the birth of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology 30 y earlier, and to examine the main interests and trends in paediatric research between 1967 and 1997.