This chapter presents a summary of a recent Pugwash Symposium on “The Impact of New Technology on the Arms Race”, Organized by the American Academy of Arts and Science and by the Foundations Alfred P. Sloan and Johnson. The Symposium took place in June 1970 at Wingspread, Racine, Wisconsin, USA, at the Johnson Foundation. Introductory talks of a general character were given by Professors Franklin Long and George Rathjens. Long examined the growth characteristics of world-wide military technology. He first analysed the growth of science and technology of which the military part has specific characteristics. The diffuse opinion that national security has to be equated with military strength makes the priority discussion rather unbalanced, particularly in recent years, because military agencies have moved into positions in which they have a decisive influence on foreign affairs and foreign economic development. Victor Anderson and Igor Mikhaltsev described recent ocean technology in the intermedium, on the surface and on the floor.