Reshaping the states of Western Europe has direct implications for their respective public sectors. The European Union has indirect implications for national public sectors notably through the consequences of monetary convergence, its competition policy, its extended regulated policy areas, and its increasing implementory role. This chapter begins by describing the pressures which are redefining those administrations. It presents the general and broadly convergent programmatic response across Western Europe to these pressures. Explanations for clear differences lie at four interlinked levels: pressures; potential; ambitions; perceived political opportunity structures. The chapter examines the differences between the programmes. It also examines the contradictions, paradoxes and problems of the various programmes. Nevertheless, the process of reform and adaptation has had its impact and has thrown up one central dilemma, several paradoxes, many contradictions and even more genuine problems. The reform programmes being pursued in several countries are characterised by contradictions, paradoxes and problems.