The issue of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the Mediterranean area raises a dual problem. First the range of weapons involved need to be defined. The nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, these are usually covers the devices which may be used to carry such weapons, including ballistic missiles, even though these carriers can be, and usually are, equipped with conventional munitions. The second part of the problem which is more difficult to resolve, is of a geographical nature. To take only the countries participating in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) into consideration would be to oversimplify the matter. Among European Union (EU) member states, France and Great Britain possess nuclear weapons and an explicit policy of deterrence. Although they are prepared to reduce their nuclear strength, they are far from ready to give up their status as nuclear-armed states recognised in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Israel country participates in the Barcelona Process also possesses a nuclear force which is unofficial.