This book is about the promotion of 'capability' in students who are studying on modular courses. 'Capability', 'enterprise' and ' lifelong learning' is something of a catch all. The systems of modular accreditation operating pre-university more than models of good practice or features to be borne in mind when new undergraduates, for with the introduction of the General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) and the parent system National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), the university's control of its own curriculum is challenged. Students can opt into the modules which stress the practical applications of study through case study, project work and work-experience, or modules which centre on transferable skills such as information technology, financial management, and modern foreign languages. Believing in the centrality of the student experience and the systematic development and recording of knowledge and skills. The autonomy of academic life is squeezed between student demand and public accountability and it means to demonstrate our own capability as teachers.