Past research has indicated that it is important to consider the neighbourhood environment when addressing the issue of housing for seniors. Because rural and urban environments differ, neighbourhood preferences may vary as well. The following study attempts to ascertain the neighbourhood amenity preferences of a sample of rural and urban living elderly. A total of 1,408 seniors were asked to consider the importance of 11 amenities in a place to live. A factor analysis of the items indicates that planners need to consider three broad areas of amenities in a place to live: necessities, social interaction and life enrichment. Bivariate crosstabulations and multiple regression results demonstrate the importance of social interaction 106amenities to rural elders, confirming the instrumental importance that social relations serve for those living in rural areas. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678. E-mail address: getinfo@haworth.com]