Educational institutions in South Africa have been at the forefront of the struggle against apartheid and in the conceptualization of a nonracial, nonsexist democracy. Women's organizations, in particular, have been pivotal, not only as organs that have addressed women's issues but also as groups through which women have participated in the political struggle as a whole. Through the Women's National Coalition (WNC), women for all walks of life, black and white, rich and poor, urban and rural, have joined in a campaign to draw up their demands. The African National Congress (ANC) requested the Center for Education Policy Development to draft the Implementation Plan for Education and Training (IPET) for the new Minister of Education. When the "The National Education Coordinating Committee (NECC)" was established, its National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI) outlined its basic principles as 'nonracism, nonsexism, democracy, a unity education system, and the redressing of historical imbalances'.