The conflict of modern life as depicted in literature and drama is again and again that between an individual and an overpowering system which infiltrates the individual, so that it ultimately becomes a conflict within the individual him-or herself. Theatre in its most ancient form is generally regarded as a rather monolithic event. Although postmodernists put great emphasis on the importance of the other, their discourse being largely influenced or even determined by the dominant system is rather monologic; even though they maintain that it leads to always different, always postponed meanings and is therefore polyphonic. Gadamer, a modernist, however, makes the point that dialogue is a precondition of understanding. New contexts provide new meanings, new interpretations, and new dialogues. Such contexts will also help determine the meanings and qualities, the values of Wesker's monologues and monodramas. In the context of contemporary drama, Arnold Wesker's writing of monoplays is not a unique event.