Within the universe of the media, the radio plays a distinctive role, using techniques designed for sound only. The days of the radio's near-exclusive presence are now over, giving rise to nostalgic remembrances such as the fable of Radio Days presented on cinema screens by Woody Allen. Yardsale, a one-woman radio play that was first broadcast by BBC Radio on October 6, 1984 with Sheila Steafel and produced by Margaret Windham, provides an interesting example of Wesker's later stylistic developments. The metaphor symptomatically reflects Wesker's private idiosyncrasy, a kind of persecution mania which recurs in the author's confessions and testimonies. The word scavenging, this is repeated obsessively in Wesker's polemic against critics and reviewers to indicate that he experiences a brutal sapping of the vital resources of writing. The metaphor of stolen writing and love points to a discarded universe, made up of fragments and pitiful refuse and certainties which have now vanished.