The religious insti-tutionalisation of the cult of Concordia and the creation of a physical space for its cult in front of the new Comitium where the area of the archaic Volcanal is seem to be part of the same political project. Concordia is one of a series of new deities in the form of personifications whose cults were introduced in Rome towards the end of the fourth and the beginning of the third centuries BC. In 1942 Momigliano pointed out that with the arrival of Concordia non si resiste all impressione che si stia introducendo un culto greco. The community is gathering under the protection of Concordia, and divisions are no longer accepted. Behind this division of the community into Sabines and Quirites, people have perhaps to see again the struggle between patricians and plebeians. Rome was becoming an important new member of the international community, profoundly influenced and affected by the spread of Greek political, cultural and social values.