Shih Huang-ti, born Chao Cheng, was the emperor of the Chin dynasty and established the first cohesive Chinese empire. The Chin state already possessed a strong military and organized bureaucracy, which Shih Huang-ti set about fortifying. He also planned the expansion of Chin beyond its mountainous borders. Shih Huang-ti embarked on a ruthless expansion and, by 217, through bribery, espionage, and astounding military strategy, conquered all of the states that made up the area now known as China, including Han, Chao, Wei, Chu, Yen, and Chi. Shih Huang-ti contributed to Chinese history in a profound and enduring way by defining the approximate limits of the Chinese state and by expanding Chinese cultural influence. Shih Huang-ti proved that a ruler could only govern if he has people to rule; in the end, the people deserted Shih Huang-ti and refused to cooperate in his rule.