Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a prominent leader of the May 1968 student revolts in France, is emblematic of the changes in left-wing politics in the West. On March 22, 1968, Cohn-Bendit led a demonstration at Nanterre protesting the Vietnam War. The group that emerged, called the “Mouvement du 22 mars” continued its protests, leading to disciplinary action against st Cohn-Bendit and five others, which resulted in widespread student revolts. Daniel Cohn-Bendit led a student revolt that hastened the end of Charles de Gaulle's era and helped to change social and cultural relations in France and Western Europe. Cohn-Bendit's pioneering efforts on behalf of the fledgling environmental Green Party in Germany and France have resulted in some electoral gains. However, it remains to be seen whether the Green movement effects significant change in European environmental policies.