Conquering the peoples of Central Asia, China, and Persia, Genghis Khan created one of the most powerful empires in the world. Genghis Khan was born in 1162 with the name Temujin. His father was a Mongol chief whose death in c. 1175 left the young boy unable to manage the affairs of tribal rule. Opposed by a rival clan, Temujin was banished along with his mother to a remote region of the Steppe, where it was hoped he would perish. Genghis Khan created an empire whose boundaries and administration were still insecure at the time of his death. His successors continued his brutal policies of expansion but failed to preserve an integral mongol state. Genghis Khan's failure to establish a lasting form of state administration in the realms he conquered also undermined the authority of future Mongol rulers. His generals and elites came to depend upon military glory and tribute for their livelihood, preventing a stable regime during peacetime.