Brnesto Guevara organized a revolutionary movement throughout Latin America that combined Marxist theory and guerrilla warfare. His success in helping to overthrow the government of Cuba was followed by a disastrous campaign in Bolivia. Ernesto Guevara was born in Argentina to middle-class parents on June 14, 1928. Ernesto Guevara left a unique example of revolutionary activity that grew in influence after his death. His daring military exploits and concern for the poor produced a cult that inspired revolutionaries for the remainder of the century. Guevara's goal from an early stage had been to overthrow Latin America's many authoritarian states and to replace them with a unified workers' state resembling, to some extent, Communist Soviet Union. Guevara's application of guerrilla warfare in the revolutionary struggle offered hope that the revolutionaries could build sufficient support among the peasantry to overpower governmental forces.