Population: 115.8 million; Land area: 796 000 square kilometres; Ecological zones: floodplain of river Indus, mountainous area, plateau, low-lying plains and desert in south; Climate: dominated by Asiatic monsoon, mountains cool in summer, snow in winter, upland plateau hot summers and cool dry winters; Annual rainfall: 150–1000 mm; Forest area: 25 000 square kilometres; GNP per capita: US$ 400; Main industry: agriculture, cotton, food processing, engineering; ODA received per capita: US$ 10.6; Population growth rate: 1991–2000, 2.8 per cent; Life expectancy: 59 years; Adult illiteracy: 65 per cent; Access to safe water: 50 per cent; Access to health care: 85 per cent; Access to sanitation: 22 per cent