Since Andersson’s first description of Miscanthus (Andersson, 1885), more than eighty different synonyms have been applied to the genus (The Plant Names Project, 1999). At present, it is estimated that Miscanthus comprises about fourteen species (Hodkinson et al., 1997). Interspecific hybridisation is common and this has given rise to a large number of hybrids, many of which are sterile. In addition to natural hybridisation, a large number of Miscanthus cultivars have been produced by the horticultural industry for their ornamental value. Miscanthus also hybridises with other genera, especially Saccharum. Saccharum is closely related to Miscanthus, the only tangible differences between the two being the disposition of spikelets on the flowering panicle and the fragility of the rachis. Interest in the potential of certain Miscanthus hybrids as biomass crops has necessitated a review of the taxonomy of the genus in recent years. This chapter looks at the current status of Miscanthus taxonomy.