The kinetics of accumulation and the external imaging patterns of indium-111-labelled platelets infused in a dog model of left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion with reperfusion were studied. The effects of infarct age and regional residual myocardial blood flow upon platelet accumulation were quantified, and the capacity of indium-111 platelets to image the experimental infarction was evaluated qualitatively. In contrast to patients with ischemic heart disease, where reduced I-123 HA accumulation was correlated with stenosis of the main coronary arteries, thus usually involving larger wall segments, the patients with COCM concentrated I-123 HA heterogenously in small spotty segments throughout the entirte ventricular myocardium. In myocardium of Mg-deficient animals, significant changes in values of transport rate contants and compartment sizes for TI-201 indicated a moderate decrease in extracellular compartment and a threefold enlargement in subcellular compartment at the expense of the main intracellular compartment, which underwent a marked reduction.