Yokoyama katsuya is a leading Japanese player of the shakuhachi, who was born in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, in 1934. Both his father and grandfather were well-known players and makers of the shakuhachi. TokumaruI’d like to invite some comments from Mr Yokoyama, who was one of the prominent figures in shakuhachi music during the 1960s, the time when the instrument came to draw renewed attention. As Yokoyama is one of the key figures in the performance of post-1960 contemporary music in which the shakuhachi is employed, he is the perfect person to recollect that period. Yokoyama in addition, there was another attempt which, while retaining the physical structure of the instrument as it was, sought new playing techniques with reference to those of its Western counterpart, the flute. This is a translated version of a dialogue undertaken in Japanese at Yokoyama house on April 10, 1991 for Contemporary Music Review.