This chapter provides descriptions of ten Negro youth given by way of introduction to the study of the personality development of southern rural Negro youth. It discusses the some profiles such as, Hesekie Parker: plantation youth, Sadie Randolph: girl in a sharecropper family, Willie Brayboy: child of a farm hand, and Stanley Byrd: mulatto youth, Juanita and Clint: married. The profiles also includes: Sam Calloway: small farmer's son, David Hilman: migratory youth, and Madge Hickman: successful farmer's daughter. Madge Hickman lives on her parents' 102-acre farm, about six miles out from a small town in Johnston County, in what is called the Good Samaritan section, because of the presence there of the Good Samaritan Baptist Church. Madge's school principal says that she is very neat, is very spoiled as a result of family indulgence, and is never rude. Madge's mother is a large, friendly, brown woman who is dressed neatly in a well-fitting blue and white cotton print dress.