As a project of Africana intellectual history, this chapter etches out the manner by which the worldview concept and framework has found its way into Africana Studies-related theory and research. An Exploratory Essay on the "Genealogy of Foundationalist Historical Thought and African Nationalist Identity Construction", has provided a systematic approach in the development of an African-centered genealogy of knowledge and knowledge production for African-centered scholars in Africana Studies. Almost all discussions of the worldview framework that can be found within Africana Studies-related theory and research stem from the work of Vernon Dixon. Scholars originally trained in psychology, political science, economics, anthropology, and other social science disciplines worked in creating a sizable body of knowledge focused on worldview. Those like Azibo, Aldridge, and a few others synthesized these discussions and brought them directly into scholastic arguments taking place in the continuously developing discipline of Africana Studies.