The concept of 'downwards' metamorphosis is a potent motif. However, such transformations do not always have precisely the same resonance. Many Ovidian examples, such as Arachne's metamorphosis into a spider or Actaeon's into a stag, are framed as divine punishment, whether deserved or undeserved. The Vril may be more socially advanced than us but they are still capable of interacting with humans and finding common ground. In other words, the possibility of still more radical 'improvements' to humanity is a source of fear, even horror. An important frame of reference for collectivism is the insect world, in particular the ant, even though the key term 'hive mind' suggests the bee. Ants are ruthless, savage and courageous fighters. Ants are the only other creatures on earth, other than man, who make war. They campaign. They are chronically aggressive. Several modern science fiction narratives present people with posthumans who are becoming more antlike.