This chapter looks at the separate Templar and Hospitaller establishments in Perigord as they were before 1313 – that is, before the acquisition of the Templar properties by the Hospital. It presents the subsequent record of errors made by nineteenth- and twentieth-century historians in assigning Templar origins to Hospitaller houses which were always Hospitaller, and, in at least one case, Hospitaller origins to what had been a Templar house. The Hospitaller houses, marked with black circles on the map, were under the jurisdiction of the Grand Priory of Saint Gilles in the southern Rhone, and grouped around two principal houses: Saint Naixent in the Bergeracois south of the Dordogne, and Condat north of the river. The chapter concludes by speculating on how and why such errors occurred, have been perpetuated, and continues to be repeated, unless a new project is undertaken.