In his Jidujiao yu shehui bianqian Ng Learning remarks that, among the Chinese Christian leaders he portrays, Wang Mingdao is perhaps the most known and recognized in the first half of the 20th century. This chapter introduces Wang's understanding of Jesus against the background of his contemporary social situation. After a sketch of Christianity in China in the early decades of the 20th century, it discusses Wang's understanding of Jesus by means of studying portions of his work. After a preliminary examination of Wang's hermeneutics, the chapter focuses on Jesus’ significance in Wang's writings. It finally concludes that Jesus in Wang's writings functioned to edify his contemporary Christians and to rebuke Christians that maintained belief which attended to social reform and participation. Although Christians should conduct a life of integrity following the footsteps of Jesus, the only trust that Christians should have is the coming of Jesus Christ, when the Kingdom of Heaven would be realized.