After my letter to [the censor] Mr. Xu [Zhijian] had been sent out [April 20, 1664], I regretted that when my Pixie lun [Writings to Expose the Evils, 1659] was written, I failed to put the pictures printed by Adam Schall [in Jincheng shuxiang (Images Presented to the Emperor, 1640)] at the head of the treatise. 2 The pictures depict how the Hebrews applauded Jesus and how Jesus was nailed to death by law. These pictures would make all people in the world know that Jesus was put to death as a convicted criminal, so that not only would scholar-officials not write prefaces for their [Christian] writings, but people of the lower classes would also be ashamed to believe in that kind of faith. [...] Being unable to reproduce all the pictures, I copy only three pictures and their respective annotations for the present moment. They are the people applauding Jesus, Jesus being nailed on the cross, and Jesus hanging on the cross. This will show all the world that Jesus was not an orderly and law-abiding person, but a subversive rebel leader, who was convicted and executed. [...] https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315086958/6fb35c8a-349d-49a2-bc91-5aef7657bb5c/content/fig2_22_38.jpg" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>