American Civil War reenacting groups are found in such unlikely places as England, as well as other European countries, and Canada (Hunt 2004), though most come from places close to where the war was fought. Most reenactors come to Gettysburg as part of local regiments attending one of the various events held there, the largest being a three-day battle reenactment that takes place each year, usually around the anniversary of the actual battle, July 1-3. For Civil War enthusiasts, reenactors and nonreenactors alike, Gettysburg is a place of great emotional significance, as the battle that took place there is considered a turning point in the Civil War. When one asks Civil War reenactors why they reenact, invariably a number of 'official'-sounding answers are offered: to educate the public, to commemorate and honor those who died, for love of country, and to better understand details of history.