It was a dramatic but complex ascent. In mid-February of 2003, the Marvel Comics – derived action film Daredevil premiered to mixed critical reviews, but good box office. Ignored by film critics, but not by many adolescent moviegoers, were a host of rock songs embedded in the soundtrack. One of the first issues to become central in the development of Conservative Christian culture at the beginning of the 1970s was child-rearing. Several books were published in that decade that aimed to replace the child-rearing advice promulgated earlier in the century by Dr Benjamin Spock, by then suspect to evangelical Protestants for his political leanings as well as his attitudes on child-rearing. Christopher Bollas has pointed out that generational objects inevitably mutate as we move through stages of life. Being a monument, which is by definition something taken out of context, is not always a bad thing, of course.