Institutions are stable when the citizens whose behaviour they coordinate support the outcomes they intentionally produce. This chapter evaluates one set of proposals for securing the transfer of resources from the wealthy to the poor, namely, those that suggests the right way to achieve cosmopolitan objectives is to generate institutions that will, produce cosmopolitans. It focuses on the generation of supra-national institutions as a way to create a 'global demos' and on harnessing the motivational resources available at the nation-state level. The chapter provides a contribution to the second of these dimensions, by considering the attitudes that must underpin, and can be produced by, the institutions that facilitate cooperative relations at the global level. It expresses scepticism with respect to approaches that emphasize, only, the building of global institutions as a way to create cosmopolitans. The chapter considers proposal according to which a global demos can be created and sustained over time by the self-interest of the relevant parties.