In a lecture given at the Academie Dremoise, Yvonne Lancon recounted a pilgrimage she had made, in the company of Francis Poulenc, to the grave of Raymonde Linossier. Towards the end of 1915 Adrienne Monnier opened an unusual bookshop, La Maison des Amis des Livres, at 7 Rue de l’Odeon, combining the sale and loan of literary work. Raymonde Linossier preferred to keep her different activities and relationships quite separate. When the museum was reorganised in 1932, many of Raymonde Linossier’s plans were put into practice. In 1924, Adrienne Monnier took on the administration of a new review, Commerce, founded by the Princesse de Bassiano and edited by Paul Valery, Valery Larbaud and Leon-Paul Fargue. Alice Ardoin thanked Sylvia Beach for ‘the chapter on Raymonde which brought her to life again, as she was known to all her friends: imaginative, impassioned and very secretive’.