Traumatic brain injury is an important public health problem. Brain injury is not considered a disease, yet it can affect functioning in many ways. Symptoms may include difficulty with learning, cognition, memory, vision, sensitivity to light and sound, headaches, immunity, dizziness and mood swings, reversal of words, problems with judgment, appropriate behavior and speech. Persons with brain injury often present with a multitude of physical, cognitive, and emotional problems. Electroencephalograph (EEG) biofeedback measures brain waves to help reduce brain-injury sequelae and improve neurological and behavioral functions. The reality of brain plasticity in brain trauma patients is one of the first profound implications of all-digital, real-time EEG feedback. Thus, the brain injury is far from being cured. Since the hippocampus is the main generator of theta waves, it is possible that excessive neurogenesis of hippocampal cells could be restrained by inhibiting excessive theta activity.