Contemporary Chinese educational philosophy and practice are influenced by Confucius’ thinking. Despite their significance, Confucian educational beliefs are challenged and criticised for creating rote, passive and silent learners. There are, however, a variety of voices and views in educational research regarding what the Chinese culture of learning is and what Confucian philosophy entails. For example, scholars have argued that Confucian learning promotes and requires higher-order thinking skills. There is a need to explore the topic in depth, in order to broaden and deepen the current discussion on teaching thinking skills in Confucian-heritage cultures. By reviewing the purpose of education according to Confucius and its underlying educational beliefs and philosophies, this chapter identifies the ‘reflective thinking’ advocated by Confucius and his followers as a key thinking skill for developing 21st century Chinese learners. This chapter also discusses the relevance of Confucius’ thinking to contemporary educational philosophy.