Sarala Devi recalled an occasion when she accompanied Rabi-mama to the home of Kashishwar Mitra— very close to her Kashiabagan home. The event was the celebration of Brahmotsav. During her stay in Punjab, women there had just about started taking some interest in music. It was only in Madras and Mysore that Sarala found the culture of music flourishing amongst the women. North India had nothing in comparison. Talking about 'Vande Mataram' Sarala reminds of a visit to Lahore of a well-known and senior English barrister in connection with some legal issue. She sang the song in accompaniment of the piano. Bengal was then fortunately inundated by a plethora of competent women singers. Her arrival in the world of music was marked by her songs earning popularity with the people, bringing joy to them. She attributes this to beginner's luck, and not to any particular musical accomplishment of Sarala.