The Maharaja of Baroda was invited by the Sangitsamaj, but instead of putting up any stage show to mark his presence, the highbrows and the elites arranged for a display of skills in arms and weapons. A sign of the changing pattern of the Bengali character. Chittaranjan Das warned Sarala 'Take care. The Russo-Japanese war had broken out. She wanted to seize this opportunity to raise the level of humanitarianism among the Bengalis by forming a body composed of Bangalis in the model of the Red Cross Society to go out and render aid to the wounded Japanese fighters. Her idea of forming a Bengali Volunteers Group came to the notice of the British rulers, because very soon she received a letter from a Colonel Yates. Many young men from Bengal went to Japan to learn the technology of manufacture of many products after the war. Among students was Satyasundar Deb, a grandson of Umesh Datta of the Brahmo Samaj.