Politics is an arena where no man would be prepared to sacrifice his 'seat' in favour of a woman candidate. The men are all for themselves, that is why starting from the All India Congress Committee to the Legislative Assemblies there, are limited reserved seats for women. In managing the Bharati, Sarala Devi discovered, to surprise, that after all expenses of paper, printing, staff, and so on, Bharati earned a surplus. During her editorship of Bharati, it was the mouthpiece of nationalistic evangelism. Swami Vivekananda appeared on the scene just about when my nationalism was engaged in the eradication of all sort of assaults on the national dignity. Sister Nivedita came to see Sarala on his behalf and invited her to visit the Belur Math. Soon thereafter she was invited to accompany him on his trip to England, to represent the women of India and to spread the spiritual message of the Orient to the women of the Occident.