Soon after Sarala Devi arrival in Lahore many ladies came to see her, carrying according to their custom, pieces of sugar candy, almonds, the traditional neckchain for married women, plus a few rupees. Other than them the first visitor to arrive was Lala Lalchand, a partner of the well known Gulab Singh Press, founded by his father. For the first time Sarala had direct introduction to Hindu male polygamy. He was Mr Sohoni, a sub-judge and a good singer. Though polygamy for Hindu males is legally valid, in practice, educated persons rarely take another wife. Certain reformation measures in the law governing the Hindus are currently under consideration, and in the process along with the elimination of many iniquitious practices, some sensible traditions are also going to be sacrificed. The elder relatives of girls belonging to the Punjab Brahmo Samaj put her up as an ideal for them to follow. Sarala stayed at Kanjrur, an ancestral home of her husband.