Sarala Devi's long journey in her life spells happy and dark days; has given her a rich and rewarding experience. She was born in the month of Bhadra. Her maternal grandfather was Debendranath Tagore. In her autobiography she recalled her childhood in Tagore home. During annaprasan when she was six months old, at the Panihati Garden House. Situated on the bank of the Ganges, the garden house then belonged to Debendranath Tagore. Many years later after her annaprasan she accompanied with her uncle Rabindranath when he inaugurated 'Gobindamohini Bhavan' home. She recalled some incidents when she was at Sealdah home, and those incidents are deeply etched in her memory. Later she moved from the Sealdah house to another in the locality of Simla with her family. At the age of five years, the traditional ceremony of hatekhari—initiation into reading and writing—was performed in her uncle home Pareshnath Mukhopadhyay, he was married to a sister of her father.