Sarala Devi's family moved to Kashiabagan home from Jorasanko. Her mejo-mami and her family had returned from England. Mejo-mama, Satyendranath Tagore, was the first Indian member of the Indian Civil Service, and was posted to Bombay Province. Their children, son Suren and daughter Bibi, spoke in English, their manners were also English. Sarala recalled the moment when she was selected as one of the 'flower girls' who were to welcome Lord Ripon on his arrival at Calcutta. With her mejo-mami and her family Rabi-mama, Rabindranath Tagore also returned home from his first ever visit to England. The family organized a cultural get-together on the occasion of the Saraswati Puja. Sarala was passionate about music, and singing was her obsession. The first two lines of the song 'Vande Mataram' were set to music by Rabindranath Tagore, he asked to score the music for the rest of the song by Sarala Devi. Her taste in literature was initiated and inspired by Rabindranath.