This chapter focuses primarily on the importance of the essential Intensive Interaction technique of 'minimalism'. Amandine Mouriere explains how Sarah helped her rethink her understanding of Intensive Interaction techniques. By doing less and less, not only did she see Sarah's communication develop greatly, but Amandine also became a better mentor for her colleagues. The chapter presents how to record progress, as well as reflective practice in action. It explains how Intensive Interaction could be implemented in everything we did at school, and used throughout the whole day. Amandine encountered Intensive Interaction, whilst working as a teaching assistant in a special needs school. At the time, she was working in a class with children who all had a diagnosis of classic autism. Amandine was assigned to a class with children with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Observation is a major aspect of doing Intensive Interaction; it allows the practitioner 'to learn their person'.