This chapter analyzes the scaling-up of an education innovation at the national policy level. It seeks to identify the most relevant lessons from scaling-up the Circulos de Aprendizaje by analyzing the mainstreaming process and its implementation at scale. The chapter highlights the conditions under which education programs can be implemented at scale, with a focus on sustainability, local ownership, and quality interventions that effectively change practices in schools and classrooms. It describes the methodology of the study. The chapter provides information about Fundacion Escuela Nueva Volvamos a la Gente, the non-governmental organization that designed the Círculos de Aprendizaje program, and the program itself, including the complex and multilayered structure created to scale it up. It explores the challenges faced during implementation of program nationally, focusing on the work of the individuals involved at all levels, defined priorities, and efforts at local contextualization. The chapter presents the conclusions of the study and recommendations for further research.