There are many theories that try to explain the causes of violence. Biological problems, such as poor care during pregnancy, where the mother consumes alcohol and drugs, and a poorly attended childbirth, in conjunction with later maternal abandonment, are factors that could be possible causes of the development of violence in individuals. Intoxication with different substances is associated with violent behaviors. The connection between addictive consumption and delinquent behavior can be analyzed at four different levels: abuse, intoxication, withdrawal, and dependence. The personality, our individual character, is comprised of emotional and behavioral features that are relatively stable and predictable, and that are characteristic of a person throughout his or her life. People who suffer from borderline personality disorder are predisposed to explosions of aggression and transitive periods of paranoia or psychosis. It is very common to hear the term antisocial personality or sociopathy when reference is made to violence and associated disorders.