This chapter describes GPS to a Better Future, a career guidance programme implemented in adult learning centres (ALCs) in Catalonia, Spain, that contests the neoliberal paradigm on the causes of and agents responsible for educational underachievement, unemployment and exclusion. The chapter starts by contextualising ALCs and career development in the region of Catalonia and in the context of the economic crisis that has been affecting the most vulnerable sectors of the adult population. A second section is devoted to explaining the social justice approach to career guidance applied by the programme and its relationship with the situation faced by most ALC participants. The background, objectives and strategies used to implement it are subsequently specified in a third section, also providing a brief description of how the guidance programme is carried out through three dimensions, namely conscientisation and empowerment, guidance and mentoring and collaboration. The fourth section presents the promising results obtained, and the chapter finishes by outlining the challenges faced by GPS to a Better Future.