The island of Puerto Rico is the smallest island of the Major Antilles, settled between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Its 100 × 35 mile span holds over 4 million inhabitants, almost one million of those live in the metropolitan area. Puerto Rico is a self-governing commonwealth in association with the United States. The United States controls interstate trade, foreign relations and commerce, customs, control of air, land and sea, immigration and emigration, nationality and citizenship, currency, maritime laws, military service and bases, legal procedures, treaties, communications, agriculture, highways, the postal system, Social Security and other areas generally controlled by the federal government within the USA. Oncology patients often have long and repetitive hospitalizations. Being in the hospital for long periods of time may cause serious emotional distress to children of all ages. Many may feel sad, fearful, nervous and angry, and their physical, social and emotional development can also be affected by their circumstances.