If the goal of the stretching session is to induce a plastic increase in the range of motion (ROM), then the stretching should not be performed as part of a warm-up or a cool-down. Stretching during these periods has different objectives and the possibility of negative performance implications for performance if the stretching is prolonged and performed in isolation before an activity (see Chapter 8). Optimal durations of 30–60 seconds provide greatest improvements in flexibility. It is not necessary to perform stretches to the point of discomfort (100% intensity). Typically, 60–85% of point of discomfort is recommended. As the body is warmer, stretching mid- to later in the day is suggested (decreased viscoelasticity) and it can be practised every day. Although pre-event prolonged static stretching is not recommended due to the possibility of performance impairments, short-to-moderate duration static stretching (<60 seconds per muscle group) within a full warm-up, including dynamic stretching and dynamic activity, does not impair performance. Post-activity stretching with a fatigued muscle and tendon could lead to injury if subjected to intense elongation. Details about stretching as part of the warm-up are provided in this chapter.