This chapter presents the case study of a Tomas Kovak. Tomas's story illustrates the extent to which ageing is subjective, as well as tied to the setting in which it is embedded. This player, a symbolic character, was developed from an amalgamation of interview data with three ‘ageing’ male professional basketball players working in European clubs. In order to understand the intersection of ageing and learning within Tomas's experience, it is useful to review his start in professional basketball and the ways in which he learned to ‘be’ within the sport. Congruent with many other players' experiences toward the latter stages of their careers, Tomas reached a period in which a confluence of external pressures and internal reflections precipitated a step change in his identity formation, personal expectation, and professional possibilities. Notwithstanding Tomas's invariably successful progress in the sport, there were moments of reflection when he considered his tenure.