This chapter aims illuminate how film analysts experience stylistic deformity in the context of competent pictorial seeing. It considers the correctness issue, that is., the issue of whether it is correct to experience, rather than silence, the deviant figurative properties that the subject, can be seen to bear. The chapter argues that, although film analysts need to experience the deviant properties in our recognitional response, the correct way of experiencing them is not the way of separation seeing-in. It also argues that when film analysts experience the deviant properties as it is correct to experience them, the content of their seeing mirrors pictorial content, against the separation insight. Stylistic deformity needs to figure in the recognitional aspect of pictorial seeing, if the experience is to rightly capture its intended expressive function. Pictorial theorists, accordingly, mostly discuss stylistic figurative distortion in the context of correctives for appropriate pictorial seeing and interpretation.